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Eligibility & Qualifying Events



All full-time employees working 30 or more hours per week will be eligible for benefits on the first day of the month following a complete calendar month of employment.


Your eligible dependents


This benefit plan is open to you and your eligible dependents. An eligible dependent is: €


  • Your spouse (as defined in your plan documents).

  • Your children, natural, adopted, or stepchildren. €

  • Children who have been placed with you for adoption.€

  • Children for whom you are the legal guardian.


ACA note: Dependent coverage is available for any child (regardless of marital status, residency, student status, etc.) of an employee who is deemed to be the employee’s biological, step, foster or adopted child (including a child placed for adoption) until the end of the month in which such child reaches age 26.




In some situations during the year or after open enrollment, you may be able to add, delete or change your benefit choices.


  • Involuntary loss of other benefits.

  • Change in marital status.

  • Death of covered spouse or dependent.

  • Birth.

  • Adoption.

  • Placement of a child in your home for adoption.

Refer to the Summary Plan Description (SPD) for a full description of special enrollment.

Important: Enrollment or Changes to coverage elections may only be made upon initial enrollment, during open enrollment periods, when the employee has a qualifying event or when employment status changes.​​

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